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A New Standard in Sustainability for SMEs

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Net Positive

A New Standard in Sustainability for SMEs


Relevant SME organisations that have successfully worked through the milestones of the Net Positive Program will be certified as abiding by the principles below: Climate Assessed, Offset Validated, SDG-Aligned Net Positive Policy Framework.

Organisations that display the Net Positive logo have been through a rigorous sustainability management (sector-specific) program where their operations have been mapped to the conventions that demonstrably move the needle on sustainability such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Global Compact and the new Australian Sustainability Disclosure Regulations AASB S1 and S2. As such these organisations actively promote sustainability leadership throughout their operations and account for their scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions responsibly, which is now being mandated by climate disclosure regulation impacting across Australia in 2025.   

Net Positive Principles

A Net Positive Company is one that strives to improve the well-being for everyone it impacts and at all scales. Every product, every operation in every region and country, for every stakeholder including employees, suppliers, shareholders, the community, customers and even future generations of the planet.

This may be an ideal we will never achieve but if we all will strive for this north star, we could truly make the world a better place.

The Net Positive company will operate differently from the norm today. It will strive to eliminate more carbon than it produces, rely solely on renewable energy and sustainably sourced materials, create zero waste, design all processes and outputs for full circularity and strive to replenish and purify all the water it uses.


As a people-centric company, it will strive to ensure that everyone in its value chain earns a living wage. The company will promote extensive opportunities for inclusion across all races and abilities, achieve gender balance in management, and ensure pay equity. Through its services and purpose-driven initiatives—not merely through philanthropy—it will strive to contribute to the well-being of consumers and communities.


This necessarily means they have benchmarked what best practice in sustainability represents in their industry and have used that framework in which to develop their policy settings, such that their policy in turn reflects best practice.


This is the starting point of every Net Positive company, as sustainability needs an ecosystem of implemented best-practice to thrive and flourish.

Principle 1

Climate Assessed

To responsibly manage carbon. This means that the relevant organisation has had its carbon emissions assessed according to recognised carbon standards as required by the new Australian Climate Disclosure regulation and is genuinely attempting to reduce its emissions year-on-year as determined by an emissions reduction strategy (particularly focusing on reducing fossil fuel dependency), and having set an interim (2030) target and incremental targets that align. The SME businesses that certify as Net Positive under this standard do not purport to account for all the emissions in their supply chain, but only those which they have a real element of control over.  Having said this, all relevant organisations to complete the program have developed a Scope 3 emissions policy to reduce emissions from their upstream supply and influence emissions reductions in downstream clients and stakeholders.

Principle 2

Offset validated

To use genuine offset products that credibly achieve emissions offsets for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions of the relevant organisation. Offsets are investments in the green economy by funding projects that reduce or capture greenhouse gases, like reforestation, renewable energy, and conservation. They directly support environmental innovation, promote sustainable industry growth, and enable businesses and individuals to compensate for unavoidable emissions while fostering a low-carbon economy and are important part of an organisations contribution to sustainable development in society. Where the relevant organisation has decided to make a carbon neutral/ net zero claim it has offset necessary emissions with products that clarify good governance and provide transparency in relation to positive project outcomes and co-benefits. This is most-usually done by using local (Australian-based) products, and particularly products that have been verified independently to ensure a valid carbon credit account and managed transparently to the highest of standards and as such enhance confidence in the integrity and effectiveness of the scheme, the details of which are included in a Public Disclosure Statement which is available to access from the relevant organisation's website. 

Principle 3

SDG Aligned Net Positive Policy Framework

To become a data-driven vehicle for sustainable development. By aligning with the SDGs the relevant organisation holistically embeds sustainability across its operations. While the focus on sustainability has been on climate action, we also need to consider environmental, social and governance impacts that drive sustainability both on a micro and macro level. The relevant organisation has adopted the SDGs as the central approach in measuring sustainability performance within its operations, and maps its policy framework to the SDGs (SDPIs) and The UN Global Compact's 10 Principles, as required to successfully complete the Net Positive Program.


This standard encourages organisations to align with the Australian Sustainability Disclosure Regulations and adopt a data-driven approach to sustainability, setting metrics that build value beyond zero. Instead of merely reducing metrics like waste, emissions, or accidents to zero, the goal is to move into positive territory—creating a net benefit for communities, ecosystems, and stakeholders. For example, instead of striving for net zero emissions and not further damaging ecosystems, the Net Positive organisation targets actions that actively remove carbon from the atmosphere and enhance ecosystem resilience.

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